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Council Calendar

Wednesday 1st January - Friday 31st January, 2020

  • Wrentham Parish Council Meeting (Open to public)

    Monday 20th January 2020 7:30pm — 9:00pm

    This is the usual monthly meeting of Wrentham Parish Council. All members of the public are invited and welcome to attend. There will be a short period jut prior to the meeting where the public can speak to the Council.
  • East Suffolk Area Forum (Parish Clerk and Councillors only)

    Thursday 23rd January 2020 7:00pm — 9:00pm

    This is a meeting arranged by SALC (Suffolk Assoc of Local Councils). Various Councils that are members of SALC (including Wrentham) are invited to send representatives . Please contact Clerk to Wrentham Parish Council if you are eligible and wish to attend. Current issues and matters of common concern are discussed.
    Members of the public can usually hear about these matters when they are reported back to Parish at the follwing meeting.

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